
#BlogHer11 PARTY ALERT: First 175 #KOYH Attendees Recieve Goody Bags BUT…

Because we opened up our Kick Off Your Heels party to more attendees, only the 1st 175  attendees will receive a goody bag  BUT we have some other wonderful surprises throughout the event for ALL attendees!

Party Info:

Kick Off Your Heels ’11
Friday, August 05, 2011 from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM (PT
Omni San Diego Hotel
675 L Street
6th Floor Terrance
San Diego 92101


What can Party attendees expect?

Shuttle service will be provided for Party attendees by Dodge. Just look for the Dodge vehicles showcasing the Kick Off Your Heels signage!

First 175 people will receive a Stiletto Media goody bag that includes a Turbie Twist (LOVE THESE) and CoverGirl eyeshadow, as well as some other great goodies!

When you arrive enjoy a FREE drink on us! You can choose between our signature drink, the Pink Stilettini, or any of the other drinks on hand.

Feel a bit harried after running from sessions to parties? Sign up for a Stiletto massage. Trust me you’ll love it!  

Hungry? Drop by the Avocados From Mexico table and enjoy some guacaolme sampling. You can also nibble on delish passed hors d’oveures from 7 to 8 pm. We’ll also have servers walking around with beauty laden trays!  If you want a little more substantial then at 7:30pm you can enjoy our Pasta Bar and Caesar Salad bars – YUMMO!

Have a sweet tooth?  Indulge in our decadent chocolate fondue bar with freshly brewed Starbucks coffee and Hot Tazo Tea. 

Want a memory of this evening under the stars? moment? Head over to the  Dodge Photo booth! Not only will you get a photo, you may win a prize!

Feel like dancing? We have San Diego’s own Positive Energy playing some fun tunes.


Want Prizes? We have them! We’ll be giving out a slew of prizes throughout the night to random attendees.


To win the Dodge gift basket valued at $150+ just do the below.

  1. Take a picture with the Dodge vehicles shuttling passangers to and from the event OR stationed at the front of the Omni and upload it to Stiletto’s Flickr group. Click HERE to upload.
  2. Tweet your Dodge photobooth picture with the #KOYH hashtag.


  • Take a picture today by the Go Red table and tag @GoRedPorTuCorazon on Facebook for a chance to win a $50 Macy’s card. http://on.fb.me/o0V2JA
  • Pass by the Avocados From Mexico table for a chance to win a $150 gift basket!
  • Show off your shoes for a chance to win a pair of CityClips. @Carogonza, and I, @MsLatina,  have two pairs to give out and we want to see your shoes!  
  • Enter your business card into the drawing for Saucy Mama’s gift basket worth $150!

We want this event to be all about you. We understand that with the parties, sessions and craziness of Blogher, even blogging Divas (and Divos!) deserve a little break. You need an event where you can have a something to eat, drink and a place where you can relax with friends.

So go ahead Kick Off Your Heels and have some FUN!

Not at BlogHer? Stiletto Media is hosting an ALL DAY Kick Off Your Heels (#KOYH) Twitter Party! Click to read more about the #KOYH Twitter Party.

This post was written by...

– who has written 20 posts on Stiletto Media.

Migdalia is the Founder of Stiletto Media. She is a Glamour Magazine Glambassador and a American Heart Association Go Red for Women and Go Red Por Tu Corazon Spokesperson. She's been blogging on her personal site since 2009 and is the proud mom of 2 sons, Karl and Andrew.

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