
Kick Off Your Heels is Sold Out! #KOYH

Sold Out

Thanks to all of you wonderful peeps who are coming to the “Kick Off Your Heels” inaugural event. At this time all the tickets are gone. There is a waitlist and we are working hard to make more space available.

We had no idea they would go so fast but are delighted so many of you want to join us!

If more tickets are released, we will let you know. We might  even decide to give away a few tickets so keep an eye out for the announcement! Make sure you also follow @StilettoChat, @MsLatina and @carogonza for any new announcements regarding the event! 

If you have some time to help us with the party,  please contact Carolyn at carolyn@stilettomedia.com if you would like to volunteer. We won’t make you work too hard and you will still have the opportunity to party as well. Volunteers would help set up, handle registration, meet and greet and we might have some surprises in store for our volunteers!

For brands who would like to get involved, there are still some sponsorship opportunities available.  Contact Migdalia at  migdalia@stilettomedia.com for more information.

For those who are not going to BlogHer this year and will be following from home, we have a special treat for you as well! During the event, we will ask you to follow along, tweet the event hashtag #KOYH, and RT our tweets for a chance to win some prizes.

We want everyone to join in the fun! No stilettos required!

Remember if you are a blogger and you want to know about Stiletto’s  special opportunities, sign up using the Blogger Sign Up form!!

Can’t wait to see you all in August!!!

¡Abrazos! / Hugs!

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– who has written 20 posts on Stiletto Media.

Migdalia is the Founder of Stiletto Media. She is a Glamour Magazine Glambassador and a American Heart Association Go Red for Women and Go Red Por Tu Corazon Spokesperson. She's been blogging on her personal site since 2009 and is the proud mom of 2 sons, Karl and Andrew.

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